Wild Ones Wiki
Cross2 Expired Content

This page contains information about Expired Content, thus Tennis Racket cannot be seen in the shop of Wild Ones.

Tennis Racket is a weapon in Wild Ones. It has the same function as Anvil as you shoot it right at the opponent. It had costed 0000000000000001,999. Coin 1,999 Coins for 6 ammo.

"Throw a Tennis Racket at your opponents"

Icon Tennis Racket
Cost Expired
Damage 00000000000000000700.

Ability-Icon 700 Damage

Ability Throw a explosive racket to your opponents.

Ability-Icon Throw a explosive racket to your opponents

Found in Crates Crate-Icon Cross
Released on May 24th, 2012
Expired on June 7th, 2012


  • Awesome damage.
  • Cheap weapon.
  • Can do an OTK if you do a head shot.


  • You can kill yourself at short range.

